🧷Queer and Death in Ukrainian Wartime Art Archives
Krytyka, 2024

Coloniality of Gender / Patriarchy and Power

Ukrainian Decolonial Glossary, 2024

🧷 Tissue of War, Tissue of Justice. Anna Zvyagintseva in conversation with Maria Vtorushina.
Blok Magazine, 2024

🧷 It Was Their Job to Pull the Sun Across the Sky
Article for the book Maria Kulikovska, My Body is a Battlefield, Schlebrügge.Editor, 2023

🧷 Meanwhile at the Khanenkos'. Conversation About the Museum in Wartime, Emptiness, and Love

Artslooker, 2023

🧷Aircraft and Deaths. Artist Talk with Maksym Zatsarinny
Artslooker, 2023

🧷 Tamara Turliun: I Give an Opportunity to Underestimated Creatures to Come to a Fore
Your Art, 2022

🧷 Terms of Visibility. Male Homosexuality in Ukrainian Art 
Chapter for Pinchuk Art Centre book Men Also Cry, 2021

🧷 The Right to Desire. Ukrainian Queer Art from the 11 Century to the 1900s
ArtsLooker, 2021

🧷 From Odesa to Paris. Artists from the Collection of Odessa Museum of Contemporary Art
L'Officiel, 2021

🧷 Joseph Beyus Reenactments: Everyone's an Artist
Your Art, 2020

🧷 Olena Siyatovska. Life in Poland, Barriers and Performances
Your Art, 2020

🧷 Sekta Community:Jan Bačynsjkyi‘s Movie as a Festival of Queer Actionism
MITEC, 2020

🧷 Fear of Death: what Has Happened at Earthmate Eco Festival
Your Art, 2020

🧷 The Last Crimean Album
Art Ukraine, 2017

🧷Julia Beliaeva. The Last: the End of History is Cancelled

Art Ukraine, 2016

🧷 Scissor’s Plot: Sasha Chichkan
Art Ukraine, 2016

🧷 Managing an Art Fair. Economic Outcome for Artistic Infrastructure
National Academy of Arts and Architecture. Developing Art Strategies Conference. Compendium, 2016